Sports Shear Australia Association Constitution

Statement of purposes

  1. The name of the incorporated association is SPORTS SHEAR AUSTRALIA ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED.
  2. The purposes for which the incorporated association is established are:-
    1. To facilitate National Shearing and Woolhandling Championships
    2. To promote and encourage excellence within the shearing industry
    3. To decide upon the frequency and venue of the National Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
    4. To promote and encourage interest in wool and in the art and skill of sheep shearing and woolhandling.
    5. To educate, train, coach and encourage techniques of shearing and woolhandling, and the judging of shearing and woolhandling competitions.
    6. To promote and encourage contests, competitions, championships and displays.
    7. To consult, liaise and seek the support and recognition of the objects and activities of the Association by National Farmers Federation, Australian Wool Innovation Limited (AWI) or the peak wool and farming industry bodies from time to time.
    8. To promote, encourage and consider the affiliation to the Association of any one Society or Association, representing each State, established for or carrying out objects conducive to the aims of the Association.
    9. To affiliate the Association with any other Association or organisation having like objectives.
    10. To consider, establish and adopt rules and regulations relating to the minimum standards of shearing and woolhandling competitions conducted by members of the Association.
    11. To become and remain an independent Association managed and operated by the Members.
    12. To recognise, encourage, support and maintain the independence and integrity of each member of the Association to operate its own State activities, save and except for the minimum standards of the National Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
    13. To create a system of communication between each Member of the Association for the orderly and regular discussion and dissemination of information relevant to and incidental to the objects of the Association.
    14. To invest any moneys of the Association not required for immediate use in such investments and in such manner as may seem desirable with power from time to time to vary such investments.
    15. To accept any gift, funds or assets whether subject to a special trust or not, for any one or more of the objects or purposes of the Association, as long as it does not cause any conflict of interest to, or, of benefit any individual.
    16. To take such steps from time to time as the Association may deem expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Association, whether by way of donations, subscriptions, or otherwise.
    17. To print and publish such newspapers, periodicals, books, leaflets, or other documents as the Association may think desirable for the promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association.
    18. To make application or hold, register, transfer and assign all or any licences, permits, authorities, or such other agreements that are incidental to or conducive to carrying out all or any of the above objects.
    19. To do all or any things that are incidental to or conducive to carrying out all or any of the above objects.
    20. To make by-laws or regulations for the carrying out of any of the above objects.
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